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Venice 01

' A miracle of the relic of the true cross' (1494)

1. Who painted this painting?

APiero della Francesca
BPaolo Ucello
CVittore Carpaccio
DAndrea Mantegna

2. It represents:

Athe Palace of the Doges and the Bridge of the Sighs,
Bthe Large Channel in Rialto
CtheSaint-Marc Place
DSan Giorgio Maggiore

Many other artists painted the same site:

(*do not click on the images to obtain an enlargement of the pictures before  having answered the questions)

3. Who painted the first painting (left)?
A Antonio Canal (known as "Canaletto" )
B Francesco Guardi
C Bernardo Bellotto
D Jacopo Robusti (known as "Tintoret" )

4. Who painted the second painting (center)?

A Antonio Canal (known as "Canaletto" )
B Francesco Guardi
C Giuseppe Bernardino Bison
D Antoine Watteau

5. Who painted the last painting (right-hand side)?

6 Antonio Canal (known as "Canaletto" )
B Francesco Guardi
C Antonio Canova
D Francesco Albotto

6. Who painted this  sight of Venice?

A Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci (known as "Perugino" )
BPiero De Benedetto Dei Franceschi (known as "Piero della Francesca" )
CGiuseppe Bernardino Bison
DAndrea d' Agnolo di Francesco (known as "Andrea del Sarto" )

7. What does it represent?

A the "môle" and the Ducal Palace
B the church Santa Maria della Salute
C theSaint-Marc Place
D San Giorgio Maggiore

' Ridotto' (about 1740)
Oil on fabric
Raccotta Salom, Venice

The author of this painting was one of more interesting exhibitors of the painting of kind of the XVIIth century.
He began his artistic career while painting frescos, but he  concentrated later on scenes of the everyday life of the people and Venetian aristocracy.
He makes portraits of generations of Venetians: the children, the adults and the old people in rich person costumes, wigs, and sometimes with masks, in sumptuous furnished interiors.

Who is this painter, amusing, sometimes ironic or quite simply whimsicaly attentive chronicler of Venice?

A Giovanni Bellini
B Pietro Longhi
C Giorgio da Caltelfranco (known as "Giorgione")
D Lorenzo Lotto

9. His works open the doors of the middle-class residences and describe their public and private activities  which are prosperous and highly respected from now on in Venice.
An original work built on rich domestic chronicles of picturesque details, strangeness, precision and full of charm.
His work, fashionable and spiritual, is very close to the comedies of:

A Volpone
B the "Commedia dell' Arte"
C Carlo Goldoni
D Luigi Pirandello

10. Which of these paintings did he not paint?

A' fortune teller'
B' the puller of teeth'
C' the tailor'
D' the rinhoceros'



page carried out on an idea of  David Tarradas Agea



Carpaccio 01
Carpaccio 02
Longhi 01
Longhi 02
Longhi 03
Venice 01
Venice 02
Venice 03
Venice 04

Some interesting links on Venice:

jcs 6/2002